1. Mattheus Mei lost his grandmother this week.
My thoughts went immediately to how his family must be feeling. Like all of us who have lost grandparents, I then recalled the times when I lost two of my grandmothers. Dad's mom died when I was 17. My boyfriend at the time, "God's prophet," had assured me in a letter: "the Word says Granny's healed." As I recall, it was in all caps, likely in blue pencil. I had trouble grieving, and accepting the loss.
It was both easier and harder to take when I lost my great grandmother. I had come to define myself as a person who, in her late 30's, was lucky enough to still have a great-grandparent. Grammie died at age 105 -- and I felt her loss intensely until my Daddy's cancer was diagnosed It's like the grieving part of my brain needed to hang onto something, and it chose Grammie, not other uncles, etc.
Izzy frequently tells people who have suffered a loss: "Grieve well." I'll wish that for Mattheus and his family. Remember Meme and smile, and cry and laugh and give yourself permission to feel anything you want to feel.
2. Dogwood made the front page of the NY Times. I made Who's Who in High School (whoop de do. Hardly compares...) ;-/ Congrats to the photo stalker journalist!
3. Yurodivi, dark for most of a couple of years, has resumed blogging. He's just been to the chant workshop in Auburn, AL. Lucky guy.
4. Little Eliza just turned two. Her parents are amazing.
5. Yoga girl has a couple of posts with roses, shoe shopping (75% off!) , shimmying and jump rope. Reminds me that it's time to start walking again. Thanks for the inspiration, girl!
6. UltraC: you're missed.
Sticky Top Post
Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
News from the Blogroll
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
1:01 AM
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