(Picture is of another "major award.")
I was selected as a Palmetto Gold recipient for 2008. Yay for me!
From previous years' press releases:
Palmetto Gold annually salutes 100 registered nurses in South Carolina who exemplify excellence in nursing practice and commitment to the profession. The net proceeds generated from the gala evening are used to provide nursing scholarships for students attending South Carolina registered nursing programs. The Palmetto Gold scholarship fund is administered through the S.C. Nurses Foundation.
... The nominator was asked to provide evidence of how the nominee demonstrated excellence in practice and commitment to the profession by addressing each of the following criteria: promotes and advances theprofession of nursing in a positive way in the practice setting or the community; displays caring and commitment to patients, families and colleagues; demonstrates leadership and assists others to grow and develop; and contributions made to overall outcomes in the practice area or setting.
I received a notice this afternoon that I was selected as an award recipient this year. There will be a gala -- perhaps a new "posh frock?" It's a fundraiser, of course, so we'll just be inviting Mom and Pops to join us, unle$$ $omeone wants to contribute to nursing scholarships.
(I'll confess I rubbed the lucky Buddha belly at the Chinese restaurant this afternoon. Happy Year of the Rat!) . As for the other major award, we're still waiting for that one.
Is your trophy actually a leg lamp? Although entertaining, I'm not sure I get it.
Oh goody! I'm so excited for you. Do you get to find out what your nominator wrote about you? Or do you just have to stand satisfied that you really are just that awesome?
Heather: I didn't actually win a leg lamp (though that would be cool). I was recalling the scene from "A Christmas Story" when the father pries open the giant crate and shouts "It's a Major Award!"
Steph: I know who did the nomination. I'll ask Monday (they were both out today) if I can get a copy. Mom will get a kick out of it, I'm sure.
Party on you when I'm back in Cola :)
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