Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Dining a la Food Court

It's my last night in Pawley's Island (A Swell Sand Yip or Swell Daisy Nap or Spin a Swell Day or Lewd Nasal Yips), home of the famous Pawley's Island Hammock (Palace Man's Moldy Whisk). I've actually seen little of the town other than Highway 17 between my hotel (cheaper) and the conference site (less cheap.)

Conference travel is like that: little time for activities outside of the meeting rooms, banquet site, etc. When not in meetings, I was prepping for the pan flu outbreak exercise we conducted today. It went quite well, thanks for asking.

I did drive quite a few miles after Mass Wednesday evening to join a group at a fish restaurant in Murrell's Inlet--having been told the establishment was smoke-free. Sadly, when I arrived, the group had opted to eat on the (smoking allowed and taking place) glassed-in patio. 20 miles back and trying to find food in the dark and in a non-bar in the off-season isn't easy--thank God for Quizno's.

This isn't meant as a feel-sorry-for-me post, but allergies do really limit the places/ways I get to socialize with colleagues. After-work gatherings happen at the Saucer--no Lizzie. They like lunch at the Armadillo Oil Company--no Lizzie.

Lunch @ the No-Name Deli--Lizzie is there.

I figure it will take about a year after this ban (if enacted) takes effect before the air, walls and seats in these places are sufficiently clear of allergens and Lizzie gets to go more places.

In the meantime, Izzy made pasta al fagioli and putanesca tonight for a small group of BSG viewers at the House of Chez Casa. He'll dine on leftovers (if any exist!) for lunch tomorrow, while I get to eat a Red Cross supplied lunch at the flu shot clinic. (I'm part of the evaluation team.)

Who wouldn't want this job (smile)?


BTW: there's a great Italian place two towns over that can get a bit smoky (like Yesterday's or California Dreaming, where the term "non-smoking section" is optimistic.) I opted not to try and drive back after having a Benadryl-influenced dinner. I'll wait until I have a driver/charming & delightful dinner companion.

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