Izzy and I are headed to Spartanburg this Saturday, November 18, to hear Jason Harrod at Cafe Ishi. Jason is an indy accoustic folkie singer songwriter; think guitar and harmonica, alt country meets jazz meets a little blue-eyed soul meets blue grass meets kickin' it .
We've not been to the cafe before, but we've never been disappointed at one of Jason's shows. He's got a great voice, does some great original music, and I've got to come up with a word other than great. Just head to myspace and listen to "Carolina," "When I Get Home," etc. Then come to the show to hear "Lions Song," "Siobhan," "Tidewater" and "My Mad Girlfriend."
If you're around the GSP area Saturday night, why not join us?
(Truth in advertising: Izzy and I were in a small group Bible Study with Jason for several years. He's actually seen Caligula, our cat.)
PS for 11/17: I've moved this post to the top for today--more visible.
Sticky Top Post
Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Attention Upstate People: Jason Harrod Show
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
5:47 PM
Well darn. The future Mrs. Littlebarn and I will be in Charlotte visiting the Littlebarn family. Otherwise I'd love to join ya.
Fear not: Looks like Jason will be in Charlotte on the 8th (through his website and the venue's website don't match right now...)
We'll head up if we can get to Immaculate Conception Masses earlier in the day.
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