Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Alert of Cosmic Significance--Confirmed

Have you sent your gift? Maybe send them what you'd been planning to send for Britney and K-Fed's 3rd anniversary.
Related: Izzy is disappointed he didn't coin the new moniker "Fed-Ex."


Dogwood Dell said...

Which wedding was People Magazine reporting?

I heard some interesting info on this wedding. They (Tom & Kat) also had to receive a civil union. The church of scientology is not recognized in Italy.

You gotta love those Italians.

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

I think the decision NOT to have a Catholic wedding (based on problems with annulments, etc.) also helps Katie escape from this later on when she comes out of the coma or spell or whatever she's under.

So, are we done with celebrity weddings for a bit?

Pretty magnanimous of Brooke Shields to attend, though.

On, no! I've lapsed into celebrity gossip again...