Giving away my punch line, but that's OK.
So, God has a sense of humor, or He allows me to see the humor in things that turn out very different from expected. Either way, that's a good thing.
Case in point:
As I've alluded before, today is the 4th anniversary of my Dad's death. I woke up thinking of him, and was feeling a bit maudlin. I thought about dressing all in black, but opted to do a black & white outfit. I put on the mourning pin that a friend had given me years ago. I also put on a locket that Izzy had made for me with pictures of my Dad inside. It was a beautiful gift that he gave me back in the period when the grief was deepest.
Whilst drying my hair, there was a loud pop, a flash of light, and no more hair dryer. I opted to not dig out the travel dryer - this was just another sign of a bad day. Just as well - when I stepped outside I got rained on (nope, hadn't noticed the rain, nor grabbed an umbrella, in my pre-occupation.)
I arrived at work and discovered I was wearing the wrong locket. Instead of my Dad, I was (& still am) wearing pictures of two of our cats, Matt & Miss Kitty.
The situation made me laugh. And it changed the way I thought about Dad today. I remembered his smile, his jokes, his optimism, even his lack of need for a hair dryer. There is no way to stay maudlin when you're wearing the cat locket, IMHO.
About to head over to the cemetery to say "howdy" & "please pray for your family." The clouds from earlier (literal & metaphorical) have lifted and I can see blue skies outside my window.
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Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Wrong Locket
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
5:52 PM
I'm glad that your day changed directions. Although I hope to put off the grief of losing someone as close as a parent for a long time, I too celebrate the death of my grandfather every summer.
My grandmother had a plaque put on a bench on the boardwalk near her house. So, I go to the beach with my cousins and we all stop and sit on the bench and talk to him. Somehow, as sad as it is that he isn't here, it is such a good thing that he continues to bring us together at one of his favorite places.
I know that your dad is smiling down at what a great role model and fabulous woman you are. Your faith (and stories) are an inspiration.
Have a blessed day!
Wow, thanks, Heather. I'm floored.
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