Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Last Sentinel

Wretched movie on Sci-Fi tonight, made better with friends over to share in the pain. Scads of exposition voiced by the lead character's rifle ( in an echo-y room, so most of it becomes completely unintelligible, but maybe that's a good thing.) Lots of shooting. Something about Doomsday. Grey-colored flashbacks, with lots more exposition.

A character just said:

This is bad, unthinkable. This must be stopped.

Can't say I disagree. (I'm sure the Execs at the Sci Fi channel may be thinking the same thing.)

From an IMDB comment:
This may be an alright title.... for an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's lower quality than a "B" movie. Don't waste your time or even consider watching it unless you're drunk or high and have a bunch of friends over.

Looks like we did the right thing (the friends, not the being high or drunk.)
Even then, they'll probably shoot you. ... Please, think of your brain cells. The plot may be summarized in 2 lines: Shooting spree to kill a cyborg army that looks like a bunch of stormtroopers. There's a cheesy "love twist" (if you can call it that) and lame attempts at script. It would have been better as a silent movie. The special effects are blatantly obvious and it's just one big excuse for making 90 minutes of firing guns.

BSG Fan alert: I don't think Katee Sackhoff will be getting any awards for this one.

I'll close with what the little army kids are being instructed to do:
Slash, Stab, Slash, Slash, Recover.
Slash, Stab, Slash, Slash, Recover.

Everybody join in & sing along...

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