I've done pretty well in my resolve not to have an all-diabetes, all-the-time blog. Click here if you want to see what I have written in the subject.
I thought I'd do a quick update, though, having passed a bit of milestone this AM. I stepped on the scale this morning and my weight was now just over 60# lighter than what I weighed last Spring. Meaning I've lost just at/over 60#. (*) Yippee.
Izzy sez I've been motivated to follow the dietary guidance due to fear of losing toes. I think that's too far into the future to be a good motivator (though it's not a bad one.) It may be more that I know there's another meter reading coming up in a few hours, and that there will be a hemoglobin A1C test in three months. (Imagine a cumulative exam for a class that could actually detect those days when you didn't study the course material.)
So, it still gets frustrating when glucose readings are unexpectedly high, when I've tried hard to do the diabetic math correctly. My MD wasn't as obsessed as I was at my last visit. I looked at a three month chart with 6 high readings (AKA failures); she saw an average of twice a month readings out of range and the rest in range (AKA pretty good control.)
There's some sort of great spiritual illustration in there, about self-forgiveness, and long-term consequences of actions, and our perspective being different from others (God, even) who see a bigger picture. Gotta contemplate it a bit longer.
My goal for this weekend is to get some old stuff out of the closet, to make room for all the new clothes I've had to buy. Fortunately, having always been a bit slow at getting things done, I've been able to access & wear old (10+ years old) clothes that I never got around to getting rid of. It'$ $aved a bit on the clothe$ $hopping expen$e$. Style, schmyle.
(*) The AM weight was of course, influenced by the thorough navel de-linting, etc. that is so critical to an accurate weigh-in. I know it will be a while before the PM weights are at the same number, but it was nice to see it at least once. I also fully expect to go 3-4 days before I see that lower # again.
Sticky Top Post
Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
11:58 PM
1 comment:
Nice observation, thanks.
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