Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sunday Night Catch-up Varia

Izzy is on the road, more on that later. I'm avoiding finishing real work for a few minutes.

1. A friend mentions on his blog that he has a new standard formula for naming bands. Previously, the recent trend has been "The [Plural Noun.] Now he suggests [Present Participle] + [Proper Noun.] My suggestions (which I'll have to figure out how to relate to my country-folk song-writing style...) are:

  • Being Monday, or
  • Forgetting Absalom or perhaps
  • Testifying Cabrini Green.
2. The camera is back!! 6-8 weeks turned into 12. Let's see if we remember how to use it...

3. The Saturn spent the week in the shop and I only ended up owing $42 (fixed dripping around hinges.) There are still a few problems, including reverse light issues (problem with some sort of wiring harne$$), a brake rotor "out of round but safe" and odd valve noises "way deep in the engine." The shop looked at, then opted not to spend more than the car is likely worth to make repairs. I'm looking at cars -- looks like this Spring or Summer will be the time to buy. Right now I'm leaning toward the Toyota Yaris (I think I like the pirate-sounding name.)

4. The cat is looking for Izzy. I think she noticed the suitcase in the hall earlier -- I've used it a lot lately, so I'm not sure she associated it with his trip. She'll figure it out by the end of the week.

5. Another week of teaching, trainings (those are different), meetings and failing to catch up. Back to it now...

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