Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Football Stances

I know very little about football, but I know I liked this Robert Ariel cartoon that appeared in The State last weekend (link to this cartoon not yet available on The State's website.)

Click to enlarge and fully appreciate.


Anonymous said...

Tell me about it. We used to rag on Clemson about IPTAY (It's Prison Time Again Y'all) which is the name of their booster club... I can only imagine what they are saying about us now... how many people could possibly be left on our team? It seems like once a week we lose one to their own stupidity... if this is the prestige that accompanies the Steve Spurior era of USC football then I'll take no football any day of the week. I mean really are there even going to be 11 players come August?

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

We always said "It's Probation Time Again, Y'all." Same difference...