Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The song has been posted

For those of you looking for Fr. Tim's song, it's on the Parish Website. Since I don't "BURN"*, you'll need to figure out how to get there all on your own. I'm confident in you guys. ;-)

For those wondering -- I'm still alive. I blog lots of stuff in my head as I see it happen; maybe there will be time this weekend to blog with the keyboard.

*BURN = Blog under real name.


Anonymous said...

i LOVE the song. great job.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that I missed it Friday night! If it sounded anything like it does in my head then I imagine it was quite the hit.