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Thursday, January 04, 2007

More about Babies and God's Providence

Sometimes God answers prayer and reveals His glory in and through healing. Sometimes, the power and glory are still there, but we have to look harder to see them.

I expect Baby Eliza's parents will update her blog soon, but they sent an email out this evening with an update that shared how amazing God's people had been in their response to Eliza's on-going illness. They also demonstrated the faith that God has strengthened in their family for the past almost 10 months.

A shot from her photo site.
From her parents:

In the face of this monstrous and nameless disease, I sometimes want to cry out in defiance: "Pick on someone your own size, you cowardly dark force!" What parent, or even grown-up, has not had some similar reaction to a child's pain? And yet, what an absurd taunt! Adam and Eve picked a fight that no human can win. All of us labor under a darkness that Adam and Eve chose and we continue to choose. It permeates our lives and relationships. We are as helpless as Eliza to overcome it. But thanks be to God. The season of Christmas celebrates that Help has come to all who will receive Jesus Christ. He has picked and won the fight that confronts us all. In the fullness of time, the victory will be complete. His kingdom will come. Do not ignore the signs of darkness in your life, let them provoke you to seek the Light.

May we face our problems, fears, even those inconveniences that we let distress us (OK, me) inordinately, with such faith.

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