Sometimes we don't take the time to notice how nice some predictable things can be. After a long day, I headed out into the darker-than-last-week 6 PM route to the beach (where I'll through late Saturday afternoon.) I decided to follow the Google directions from my office to Pawley's Island (yes, Gashwin, I'm using the term "Google", as in "the well-known website," correctly.)
Sadly, Google didn't take into account the construction on 521 (or on Gervais and in Five Points!), and I got here just over 3 1/2 hours after leaving work at the Asylum. (For Izzy, yes, I did stop for Mac & Cheese & a V8 for dinner.) I was pretty tired when I checked in.
Arriving in my room, and putting things away, I stopped to realize how grateful I was for the predictability of a clean, well-lighted, well-appointed room, with soap, towels, a comfortable bed & couch, fridge, micro, etc. All four wheels on the luggage cart worked at the same time. The cable is working, the cell phone has great reception, the coffee was really good, and the temperature is comfortable. The WiFi is acting up, but even there I knew that I'd be easily able to find a dial-up number to check email, etc.
It's incredibly mundane, and absolutely remarkable. We Americans do "predictable" well. Nothing against adventures, but it's good to be thankful for the everyday, as well.
Sticky Top Post
Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Things we do well
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
11:50 PM
I think that everyday sort of IS an adventure. Even when you can predict things, there is always the chance your prediction isn't quite right. Even something you do every single day is an adventure. I think.
I don't know if I would take my word on this though, since I keep writing about these so-called daily adventures with little following. I guess they aren't as exciting as the original incident!
Thanks for the inspirational voice, as usual. I love catching up with your entries!
Thanks, Heather, for the kind words and the reminder that I've been meaning to update my blogroll.
has been to Paris, TX, but never France.
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