OK, as prompted (tagged) by Gashwin:
Five things in my freezer:
1. Big box with only three frozen pancakes left in it, taking up space.
2. 1 pound of frozen shrimp, caught by relative last year sometime. We've no idea what to do with it.
3. Left-over frozen "Susan Stamberg's Mother-in-Law's Cranberry Relish."
4. 9 trays of ice cubes.
5. Mystery unmarked containers--some we may have moved here...
Five things in my closets:
1. Christmas decorations, most of which I haven't unpacked in two seasons.
2. Cheap gifts I buy and save for Christmas gift exchanges (especially if they say "As Seen on TV!")
3. 16-year-old coat with ripped lining that I keep thinking I'll repair.
4. World's largest collection of black suitcases.
5. 20-year-old Oreck XL vacuum cleaner.
Five things in my car:
1. Repair and maintenance log books with almost every cent I've spent on the car recorded, including mileage at each fill-up.
2. Khaki pants, polo shirt, vest, sock and boots for emergency response.
3. Pink & black Mexican blanket. You never know when you'll get stranded in the winter.
4. Palm cross.
5. Whatever I've forgotten to bring in for the past week/month? (likely 1-3 Diet Coke containers.)
Five interesting things in my backpack purse:
(I don't use a backpack, though my current purse (bought in 1996--really!) looks just like one.)
1. Glucometer & testing supplies.
2. Earrings I put in there the last time we rode, so they wouldn't get caught in the motorcycle helmet.
3. Spoon. You never know when you'll need one.
4. Multiples: 2 rosaries, 2 flashlights, 2 checkbooks, 2 memory sticks, and (this week) two pagers.
5. Medication container with logo of the Clinton Presidential Library, where I bought it.
6--Bonus: $13.36. Might explain how cheap I seem from the earlier sets of 5 things... 8-)
I'd tag Izzy, but Pritcher may have already done so, and I know better than to try...
Warren? You could list five ultra things...
Sticky Top Post
Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Five Things
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
1:10 AM
Not so much tagging as pointing out another nugget of maven-worthy grammar.
Unlike these fragments, of course.
I have some good shrimp recipes if you are interested! They are great on the grill, boiled, sauteed, broiled ... I don't really like fried, but some southern people do. And since you have a glucometer ... all of them are diabetic friendly (family history). Have a great week!
Send any shrimp recipes you want to the eddress on the profile.
Just a note: sadly, I have not been able to digest any sort of muscle/animal protein since sometime in the first Reagan administration. Recipes for Izzy don't have to be glucometer-friendly.
The problem is more in the nature of a brick of frozen shrimp (~3 lb, I think) and only one carnivore in the house.
That, and I hate de-veining shrimp.
So do I really want to thaw, devein, and cook 3 lbs. of shrimp?
Not so much.
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