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Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Baby Eliza Really Needs Prayer

We've been praying for NC friends whose daughter is now 18 1/2 days old. Everything seemed fine right at birth, but little Eliza began having intractable seizures very shortly afterwards. She's had a myriad of problems, some related to trying to stop the seizures, some from unknown causes.

Eliza's parents have been sending regular updates, asking for prayer and demonstrating remarkable faith and hope in the face of a progressively worsening outlook. One excited post, announcing progress in resolving her kidney failure, began with "Eliza is peeing."

Yesterday, her parents wrote:

The signs of waking are minimal, and any eyelid twitching or toe reflex may simply be the product of a seizure. The seizures have not lessened. There are a couple more spontaneous breaths per hour. Eliza is behind schedule in the waking process. This could mean that she won't fully wake while she is with us.
"...while she is with us..." so much packed into those words...

From earlier this week:

At our meeting this afternoon, the doctors communicated that they no longer have hope to find an explanation for Eliza's seizures or a medication to control them. Thankfully, our hope is not in medicine; despite their increasing sense of defeat, we know that Eliza's life, no matter how short, is a gift from God and a perfect fulfillment of His plan. One doctor said, "At this point, her seizures are not going to miraculously go away;" on the contrary, as Sam assured the doctor, we understand that they will ONLY miraculously go away.
I share today's post for those of you who are prayer warriors.

Eliza is breathing more on her own today and having more reflexive movement (toes, lips, fingers), but some of this movement may be caused by seizures, which have not let up.

We have not received the formal report about the MRI. A neurologist and a nurse practitioner mentioned that the initial readings are not good. Specifically, the lesions in the white matter may have grown, and the brain as%

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