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Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Song Choices

Sometimes music selected to go with the "theme of the Sunday" winds up fitting the service in ways we would never have expected.

Last Sunday, our Deacon's theme (repeated frequently) was "When we tell our story, God gets the glory." He was encouraging us to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and share what God has done for us.

The post-homily/offertory song we'd selected was "Song for the Body of Christ" which begins "We come to share our story." We were actually on the 3rd verse before I recognized the connection. Kinda neat once I realized it.

This Sunday was a bit different. Our Padre, who had written a homily more focused on how our encounters with Christ transfigure us, changed his plans after the suicide of a member of our university community. He talked about the pain suffered by those left behind, the questions, the doubt, the "what ifs", the "what's nexts", etc. Christ's transfiguration became Christ's light drawing us to Him in our pain and fear and sorrow.

The next two songs we'd selected were "Christ Be Our Light" and "Be Not Afraid." I saw a couple of folks stop singing and get that look that says the words of the song and their own thoughts have just met.

Longing for peace, many are troubled;
Longing for hope, many despair...

Gotta be the Holy Spirit.

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