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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fortune telling via I-Tunes

Got this from Izzy, who got it from Gashwin. My turn.

Caveat: Not having an iPod, and having put limited music on my laptop, this ought to be interesting...
Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.

How does the world see you? Concert for a Queen (Resurrection Band, from Rainbow's End) "I offer you a concert for a Queen...and our Harmony is a concert for the King." Heavy metal Jesus people love song!

Will I have a happy life? Let Him Help You Today (DeGarmo & Key, from Straight On) "Cause you know that Jesus loves you, and He shows you every day...Let Him help you today."

What do my friends really think of me? Godhead Here in Hiding (Adoremus Hymnal) Not as good as the original Latin...but comprehensible enough. Adoro Te Devote is one of Izzy's faves, especially for reading during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

What do people secretly think of me? What a Day (2nd Chapter of Acts, Phil Keaggy and a Band Called David.) Song for your first day in Heaven. Maybe they're hoping I'll arrive sooner, rather than later...

How can I be happy? Panis Angelicus (Adoremus Hymnal)
The Latin:

Panis angelicus fit panis hominum;
Dat panis coelicus figuris terminum.
O res mirabilis! Manducat Dominum
Pauper, pauper, servus et humilis.

The English (online translation since Izzy is away)

The bread of angels becomes the bread of man;
This bread of heaven does away with symbols.
What a marvel! The poor, the servant and the humble
May feed on their Lord.

Happiness comes in the Eucharist--not bad, I-Tunes!

What should I do with my life? Te Lucis Antes Terminum (Adoremus Hymnal) Ask God to protect and preserve me at the close of each day.

Will I ever have children? Christmas at Denny's (Randy Stonehill, from Return to Paradise) Chances of kids happening seem as bleak as this song, about a man who lost his child (died) and wife (drowned her grief.) A bit rough, I-Tunes.

What is some good advice for me? Matters of the Heart (Bob Bennett, from Lord of the Past) "You can show me your sales curves, plot my life on a flow chart; ... But there's just some things that numbers can't measure--matters of the heart."

How will I be remembered? Coventry Carol (my version from our STM Christmas CD) Which applies, Herod's cruelty in the song or the fact that I recorded it? Hmmmm...

What is my signature dancing song? My Shadow Companion (Bob Bennett, from Small Graces) "Oh, Loneliness, my shadow companion, you are no friend of mine." Guess I'm not going dancing.

What do I think my current theme song is? Praise to the Holiest in the Height (Adoremus Hymnal, again) Text by John Henry Newman. Gotta be related to the amount of time I spend at the Center.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Addey (DeGarmo & Key) Perhaps only my priest thinks so...Addey is finding God after a difficult life.

What song will play at my funeral? We Were the Kings [of Summer Street] (Bob Bennett A gorgeous ode to a childhood friend

What type of men/women do you like? Starlings (Randy Stonehill) "My mother would grumble, 'Those birds are a curse, they're a thorn in the farmer's side.' But I couldn't help feeling sad and inspired, by their desperate ballet in the sky. Say a prayer for the starlings, the hot dry wind beats their ragged wings; Have a thought for the starlings, no one ever listens to the songs they sing..." I prefer someone who is compassionate, who sees the real value in others.

What is my day going to be like? Keep on Shinin' (2nd Chapter of Acts) I-Tunes doesn't know I'm not a morning person.

My addition:
One more random pick and the question I wish it answered: Conjunction Junction (School House Rock) should be my signature dance song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Randy Stonehill! His music is incredible. What a passion for God!

I also love Keith Greens's music, I am a huge fan. I know they were friends too.

I am a musician and I would be honored if you would check out my music. All music on my site is free for downlad. Anyway, just thought that I'd share.

"All music on my site is free for download."