Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Little Night Music for Laetare Sunday

So, three times in 4 days, I've been presented with this theme:

1. Izzy and I are headed to the movies on Thursday. I had come home a bit early from work with a migraine that was finally responding to a day's worth of medication. The pain was finally gone, but it had left me with a tendency to keep singing Copacabana. We're driving through the neighborhood as I slur: "His name was Rico; He wore a diamond..." Izzy suddenly begins whistling a familiar classical tune. I hum along, through at least 16 bars of it. When he finishes, I continue: "but that was thirty years ago, when they used to have a show." (Ok, I missed a bit--did I mention the migraine medicine?) Izzy turns to me in mock horror: "What are earth are you singing? I've put MOZART into your head!" (or words to that effect.) I said I'd be better able to clear the Manilow if the Mozart had lyrics. We sang "I de-cline, to sing that mu-u-sic..." on the rest of the way to the theater.

2. Friday, I arrive at my office around 12:15, after a long, long meeting in another building. My boss, the "inner sanctum" of whose office I occupy, had sent out emails saying it was "an Eine Kleine Nachtmusik sort of day." He played it on his computer off and on for the rest of the afternoon.

3. Mass this AM. We're doing the RCIA Scrutinies in our parish, so we have readings from Cycle A during the 3rd-5th Sundays in Lent. Somewhere in the middle of the story of the healing of the blind beggar, a cell phone starts a now very familiar tune...

Not sure what I'm supposed to think about this song appearing thrice in 4 days. When added to singing Latin chant in three Masses this weekend, one wonders how much longer I'll have room for all the 70's disco music currently stored in my head.

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