Sometime back, while looking for who knows what on the net, I came across the site and discovered how simple it would be to put up a blog. That's not an ad, it's just an explanation of how I came to try something on a whim without knowing whether or not I'd have anything to say. I mostly used the email post feature, putting things up to help remember them--sort of like spending the whole year composing and editing your Christmas letter.
I would occasionally hear folks discussing blogging on this or that, but never stating in conversation where their blogs were. I figured that privacy was important to them, so I never asked. So, when in the space of a couple of days I was actually given a blog address and got a new blog launch invite, I started being able to read what folks I knew were writing about. I was also able to answer and, in doing so, let a couple of folks know that I was also doing some writing.
It was about this time that Izzy also found out about the blog--he had made comments about the desire to blog being a generational divide marker...and so the topic hadn't come up. We'll see what happens if/when he reads--if/when anyone reads. I'll email a few folks with invites and otherwise just write away. I have neither the time nor the breadth of resources do be an Amy Welborn, and lack the time to write like Izzy does in his email posts to various lists.
I think that the process of thinking about what I am thinking about in order to write about it (circular epistemology?) may make me a more observant person in the long run. That can't be bad.
Sticky Top Post
Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
6:49 PM
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