Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Moving Day Pics

The Baldman & Waldie family could not have picked a better day to move their household a little east & south. Izzy went over early; I got in on the 2nd load after Mass.


Doing stuff with the truck
Doing stuff with the truck

Enjoying the perfect weather
Enjoying the perfect weather

I got a few pics, not so many or very good of moving activities, but I was able to get a couple of cool shots in the backyard.

Baldman's family calls this one a surprise lily. One day there is nothing there; the next there is a flower in full bloom.

Nifty back doorknob.

Homeland Security Pic
Just what does that box say?

Enjoy the new digs, guys.


Waldie said...

Thanks again for the help! Things are coming along nicely in the new abode!

Fr. Gaurav Shroff said...

Congrats to them on moving in to the new house!

The lettering is Persian, not Arabic, though I'm not 100% certain. A lot of the marks are faded, so I've no idea what exactly it says -- I don't think the language is Urdu (the only one written in the Persian script I'd know) ... it could be Farsi, or Pashto or ... [shrugs] Wonder what the provenance of this thing is?

hrbgfzeh, (which must be Persian!)

The doorknob: AMAZING PHOTO!