I don't want to go on the cart... I feel happy....
This has been one of those non-stop, gogogogo weeks. It ended tonight with a pleasant evening watching high school football -- our boys were over 30+ points ahead of their boys when we left near the end (Izzy knows when he's getting too tired to operate the Leanabago, and we don't stay out later than that.) Expect pics to be up soon. (Final score 56-18.)
Highlights of the blog-silence week:
Monday: Long work retreat that went not as badly as I'd expected. Incident command systems and Epi don't always overlay well. Lovely dinner of Middle Eastern food with FFC's, lovely ride to and from on the Leanabago.
Tuesday: Long staff meeting cancelled so we could work on grants. I had a meet & greet orientation session with the Dean of one of the graduate programs I am considering. Everything she said sounded great, but they haven't gotten final approval for the special track for which I would be applying, and so I got nothing in writing. Hard to make a decision, folks....
Late Tuesday -- call from Dogwood about the meeting at church Wednesday at 7 PM. The meeting I'd totally forgotten. Quickly re-sent out minutes from last meeting (you know folks had lost these by now), and scrambled to develop an agenda. Thanks to Dogwood for the heads up -- it would have been awfully embarrassing to have totally missed. Pager went off. Pager went off again. Pager went off yet again, even later. Rabies, if you hadn't guessed.
Wednesday: Precepted nursing student. Major policy to-do regarding school exclusion for exposure to vaccine-preventable disease if unvaccinated. 150 minutes for a 90 minute meeting. Over to Parish after work for aforementioned church meeting. Drove to Mom's after -- I hadn't seen her this week and she and Pops were leaving Thursday after her volunteer shift for a two-week trip. Home really late -- answered grant-related emails.
Thursday: Dealt more with fall-out of possible policy consequences from yesterday's discussions. (None of these materialized, but folks were sure worried about being "left out to dry on this one." They said it several times to make sure we comprehended their apprehension. ) Home after trip to pharmacy, nice visit from M to watch "The Office." Always better with company. Caught the end of a local game -- shocked and surprised at the result -- I really didn't think they'd be able to pull off this win. Typed the Bulletin.
All week -- completely unable to wind down and head to bed at a reasonable hour. This always happens when I have the pager for a week -- I think I'm worried I'll sleep through a call, or answer one badly when awakened at 3:30 AM.
Friday: On call all day. Talked to CDC 4 times, to Regions about 10, plus discussed sad, sad case with member of general public. Some things you just can't fix - and it's important to just let other people vent about it. Typed more on the grant (pays part of my salary - important, but time-consuming.)
So, I'm now finishing up my Friday, which always includes uploading the Bulletin and doing necessary maintenance on the website.
So, while I've enjoyed catching up on other's lives this week, I've not had time to write much about mine. From what I see from my blog roll, I'm definitely not the only one.
Sticky Top Post
Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.
Friday, October 05, 2007
I'm not dead yet
Posted by
St. Elizabeth of Cayce
10:41 PM
1 comment:
One of my students informs me that the guy from the cart gets up and does a song-n-dance number in Spamalot.
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