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Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How some of us are marking this auspcious day

Having survived the treacherous voyage across the bridge in the snow (I picked what I believe to be the shortest bridge to cross), I arrived at our delayed start workday to find one meeting canceled and another delayed. (yay!)

I made a capuchino in my office using the cap maker Izzy got me for Christmas.  I'm typing this as I wait for the multiple avian influenza response document drafts to print.  

In a few minutes, a group of us will gather in one of the conference rooms to view the inaugural festivities.  It won't be as historic a gathering as the one MM is attending, but we'll be a bit warmer (smile.)  Being the good civil servant that I am, I'll be the one off to the side watching whilst reviewing these plans for the delayed meeting.  Somebody has to continue worrying about avian influenza, and I get to be one of those somebodies.  That's not a complaint -- it's job security, baby!

Prayers go out for the health of those on the Mall, for the safety of all involved, including those sworn to protect us, and for civil discourse among Americans in our areas of disagreement.

May our Blessed Mother, as Patroness of the Americas, intercede for our country and all of its people, including those not yet born.  

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