Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Quick Takes

What has two thumbs and walked out of the Publix singing the descant  part two "Have you never been mellow?"

Yeah, this girl.

Raking up the infuriating cypress branch leavings is a great way to be forced to focus on spiritual metaphors. Our first parents were put in a garden, and I don't think they were merely put there to wander amidst the greenery. Adam tended the garden… It is the same jobthat God  assigned him when he was forced to leave Eden. I wonder how much of the cycle of life Adam and Eve saw before they left Paradise. Did they see renewal and resurgence? Where there periods of dormancy? Where there fall colors and shedding of leaves?
The hard work wasn't the curse… But being forced to rely on it for a livelihood was.

When Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to us, he said "I will not leave you comfortless. I will send a comforter, the Holy Spirit…"However, and I believe this may be an original thought to me, he did not say "The Spirit will make you comfortable."

Like the Proverbs 31 woman, today I "considered a [dishwasher], and bought it."  Unlike her, I had the Consumer Reports ratings available to me.

Headed into another slammed up week. I already know I cannot get everything done, but I have to get so many things done in the next two days that I am quite concerned.
First up, now that Windows has opened on the laptop, is to finish my nurse practitioner certification self-assessment test. Let's hear it for pediatric rashes!

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