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Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Competing Obama-icons

So, Izzy and I both used Paste Magazine's gizmo to tweak pics of ourselves to look like the iconic pic of Obama from the fall campaign.

I had a shot I liked of me in my cap, backpack, denim shirt, camera and radio -- ready to go on an emergency response drill. Of course, you really cannot make out much of the detail of the shot (which I took in the bathroom mirror of the Emergency Operations Center.)

Still, I liked the effect and labeled the shot: Ready.


Izzy did his first, and chose one of the ancient terms for sloth (there's lots more meaning, of course, it's a Greek term): Acedia


I hadn't realized how interesting they were as a juxtaposition until I saw them appearing one after the other several times in a Facebook discussion this evening.

In "real life", I think we trade off the descriptors. One of the things that makes us a good partnership, I guess.

1 comment:

St. Izzy said...

My favorite riff on the Obama portrait includes the idea of CHANGE.

The reason I chose ACEDIA for myself is an ambiguity of usage. The underlying Greek term carries the idea of indifference or apathy. When used in Classical Latin, the main idea is weariness or fatigue of body and/or soul. But in Medieval Latin, it is the term we translate (especially in the Seven Deadlies) as sloth.

So... am I bone tired or just mentally lazy? Let context be your guide.