Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pics are going up

Short post on Izzy's Mac, which he's loaned me while my laptop busily uploads the scads of pics we took on the Latin-speaking, filial piety, 25th anniversary summer tour.  Izzy has been overseeing the upload today and yesterday, which takes a while when pics are taken at highest resolution. 

If you'd like the unguided tour, sans descriptions, which we'll add once the sets are all up, feel free to surf to this spot on Flickr.

Once those are up, we'll upload the rest of his trip pics to the same collection, then Zoobrew and G visit shots.  Lots of blog fodder for weekend writing.

Schedule for the rest of the week:
  • I have new student orientation tomorrow (9-5!) and then sticker shock check-writing.  Izzy will be hanging out at the bike shop while service gets done.  Having just traveled 8400+ miles, I think he missed a couple of oil changes.
  • Thursday: work (on call), dr. appt (having trouble with some blood sugar levels), and a 3-year-old's birthday party.
  • Saturday: work party.
  • Sunday: Lunch @ Mom's (I think it's a surprise anniversary party for us.)
Full social calendar -- so glad Izzy's back to join me at these events.  Actually, I'm glad he's back in any event!

For now, I've done about as much typing as I can whilst avoiding smearing the nail polish.  I knew I'd not be doing much after the blood donation, so decided to pamper myself.

More this weekend.  Keep cool out there!

1 comment:

St. Izzy said...

A better link to the set itself is: