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Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Will New Orleans Recover?

Response to BMPC discussion about New Orleans, where folks had referred to the Canal Street Presbyterian Church. Names changed for blogpost.

Another note related to Canal Street Presbyterian Church:

Last Christmas, Izzy and I had the privilege of worshiping there. We were with former Blacknallites JB & MKB, and members of their families (a very few of you may remember JE & K LP and their children Timbob & Idabeck (our goddaughter)), along with former members of the Bible Church we were part of Mesquite, Texas.

What brought all of us together was the ordination of a priest in the Charismatic Episcopal Church (ICCEC). So there we were, Catholics, CEC folks, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Methodists, Assemblies of God (even ORU alums), Baptists, plus others, worshiping in this wonderful church that has such close historic ties to Blacknall. It was so very much like a homecoming for us.

For those with long memories, JB & MKB and their 3 children now live in Shreveport, LA. They are currently hosting 4 LP’s and 2 dogs and they await the soon arrival of 2 more LP’s (grandparents Granpaul and K) flying in from Virginia where they were vacationing when Katrina hit.

In a snapshot of what is happening with so many families, there are uncertainties about:

  • Work: JE is a professor at a university in NoLA--when will/can it re-open? When will they be paid for time already worked? Should he look for another job? JE& MK’s father, Granpaul, is a title attorney--when will real estate transactions in NO resume?
  • Resources: 11 people and several dogs to feed on one salary. Lack of on-line access to checking accounts for an NO based bank. Living for a while with 3 changes of clothes per person.
  • Education: Enrollment in school? Continued home schooling without all of the resources needed?
  • Emotional Stress: Timbob (age 10) has autism and is, as would be expected, having a tough time being away from familiar things and places. Although the LP house in Uptown escaped most of the flooding, what will be left from rampant looting in that area?

    These are intelligent folks with excellent educations, who were well prepared for the storm. In hearing from K about how much their lives are upended, I feel even more strongly for those who had less to begin with...

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