Sticky Top Post

Howdy. We've moved from Cayce, but St. Elizabeth of South Rose Hill or Lizette de Waccamaw de Sud just don't do it for me.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Slow News Day, Slow Moving People

I listened to NPR longer than usual this AM, hearing what other people were saying about the upcoming Democratic primary here in SC. Good for you if you went to any of the rallies -- we opted to hibernate.

I had a leisurely breakfast of good-for-you waffles, followed by watching an episode of Homicide on cable. I learned (during interminably long commercial breaks) that there are many, many reasons why I might need a lawyer, and it's good thing that there are so many firms interested in looking out for my* best interests (*unless I happen to live in Florida, for which most of them seemed to exclude claimants.)

We had a great time last evening with the Jane Austen PBS viewing society. It was an excuse all the incentive I needed to get the silver tea service polished and set out the antique china. We had tea, strawberries on angel food cake with whipped cream and double chocolate muffins. I even wore a floral frock for the occasion. Given the chill outside, the rest of the guests dressed sensibly in jeans and fleece.

Izzy is grading for a bit, what he's done between naps this weekend. He's not contagious anymore (so don't worry if you were one of the Austenites), but his body is taking its own sweet time recovering from this cold. He's keeping the Barry White voice for a while (doubtless for my benefit), using it to sing silly songs to the cat.

I found a few minutes to surf the blogosphere and create a new post now that we've finished the laundry, vacuumed, put away all the silver, china and table linens, and I've completed updates on the church's web page based on things folks have emailed to me. Maybe that last item counts as "service" for the encouraged "MLK Day of Service." I just know I appreciated having nothing to do outside of the house this morning and afternoon.

Back to work tomorrow for a five day stretch (I'm teaching disaster preparedness on Friday AND Saturday.)

I'll head off soon to Bible Study, when I will also return the pyx I borrowed yesterday to bring home Holy Communion to Izzy. We had the rite of Communion for the sick, something we've done several other times when taking Communion to ill parishioners. It's a very moving thing to set up a TV tray, green fabric, and candle, a missal and a pyx and prepare to present Jesus to someone you love.

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