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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Notes from the Triduum: Good Friday

More comments inspired by the Holy Week versions of What Did You Hear? at Open Book.


3 PM Good Friday Service

Began with prostration by Priest and Deacon.

We were seated for the Gospel, read by the Deacon and 2 lay readers.

Cross carried into the Chapel in stages, with more of the red covering removed at 3 or 4 "stations" where we heard "This is the wood of the Cross" and responded with "Come, let us worship." The slow, deliberate pace, the attention to detail were so important--there is no rushing reverence.

Two servers held the cross for veneration, during which we sang Via Dolorosa and Behold the Wood. We ran our of time for O Sacred Head Surrounded...alas.

Communion: What Wondrous Love is This & Were You There

We returned at 7:30 for a Tenebrae service with evening prayer readings and 3 responsorial psalms: The Lord is My Light, Be With Me Lord, and My God, My God (why have you abandoned me?) The Psalms and readings took us further and futher from light.

Long tenebrae chants (English and Latin) by talented cantor.

The draped cross lay on the sanctuary steps, unavoidable, undeniable, unalterably true.

The earth, who could not hold Him,
Bursts forth every spring
Celebrating her failure.

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